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Since the launch of Ethereum, smart contracts have become an integral part of Web3, as they provide a zero-trust concept for P2P interactions. In a nutshell, smart contracts can automate mundane tasks, reduce paperwork, and make life easier in a myriad of ways. Apart from the cases that have already become standards, like ERC-20 or ERC-1155, smart contracts have great potential for numerous other applications.
- Personal Finance: Smart contracts could automatically manage a range of things from finances to investing surplus funds based on predefined rules or even interact with utility providers to automatically pay bills when they’re due.
- Real Estate: A smart contract could transfer ownership or access rights instantly once conditions like payment are met, reducing the need for lawyers, realtors, or other intermediaries.
- Personal Agreements: Whether lending money to a friend or selling a used car, smart contracts could enforce these personal agreements without the need for third parties.
- IoT Integration: With the advent of the Internet of Things, smart contracts could interact with users devices.
While the potential of smart contracts for everyday use is huge, one major obstacle stands in the way of widespread adoption: complexity. Creating, deploying, and interacting with smart contracts requires a high level of technical knowledge, which is beyond the reach of non-technical users.
The mass adoption of Web3 tools lies in its transformation, which can be considered the next step in technology development. Grape’s team believes that by simplifying the interaction with Web3 toolkit, the industry will make a significant step towards Web4.
Following this approach, Grape has created the concept of ANNE – a proprietary virtual assistant. The core mission of ANNE is to remove complexity barriers when interacting with smart contracts and other decentralized tools.
To interact with smart contracts, Grape users will have the possibility to talk with the virtual assistant in a text chat, where ANNE will ask for all the details required to create a smart contract, including emission, lock periods, burn logic, and others. In a nutshell, ANNE will cover three aspects related to the creation of smart contracts: 1) gathering details, 2) writing a smart contract, and 3) deploying it to the selected decentralized network.
ANNE will guide users through all three steps of creating a smart contract by asking questions and providing useful advice. As a result, it will offer variations of networks for deploying a smart contract. The launch of smart contracts using ANNE will be a part of the functionality in Grape’s wallet. According to the team’s preliminary estimates, the average task of discussing details and launching a smart contract will take the user no more than 10 minutes. Already in the first stages, the virtual assistant will allow launching various combinations of contracts based on the most popular and proven standards like ERC-20 and ERC-1155. In further stages, Grape’s team plans to develop custom scenarios to meet the demand of B2B, B2C, and P2P smart contract usage.
ANNE is not limited to supporting only users with smart contracts. First of all, ANNE is a multi-service AI that is designed to facilitate and speed up the process of interacting with all decentralized functions. At this stage, the Grape team plans to implement ANNE in the following tools:
Restore access via biometrics: Based on the user’s biometrics (like a heartbeat or finger scan), a unique encrypted file will be generated, which will subsequently be fragmented and distributed in DCS. This flow excludes any unauthorized actions with users’ funds, as it is directly tied to unique biometric data.
Maintain nodes network: ANNE will determine the degree of reliability of the node based on historical data, generate incentive bonuses for the most reliable validators, and monitor the safety of the originally generated and fragmented files in the DCS.
Matching of NFTs on the marketplace: The selection of the most promising NFTs for the user will be fully powered by ANNE’s algorithms. This process will be based on the user’s preferences and the artist’s historical data, allowing investors and collectors to see some of the most promising lots within a specific area of interest and financial prospects.
Autonomous shortlisting of projects on the launchpad: ANNE, based on pre-formed and dynamically set user criteria, will be able to collect all information from various sources about the projects presented on the Grape launchpad, thereby ranking them. This will minimize the level of investment in unreliable projects and teams, and simplify the process of investing in developing projects.
The whole range of ANNE’s capabilities ultimately allows the use of individual modules of the project by representatives of various professions who do not have the technical expertise of DLT systems.